We are dedicated Quantum Activists, committed to transform ourselves according to the quantum principles and the quantum worldview, thus help transform humanity through our examples, in exploring the infinite potential that the quantum worldview is promising to unfold and help each one us to attain the highest human potential we all are capable off!

We are also realistic about the fact that mainstream science, and religions across the globe like Christianity, 400 years ago, has become a barrier to open ended research in Consciousness, having accepted the dogma of materialism: ‘’matter and its interactions produce everything, including Consciousness’’.

Quantum principles, verified by experimental data of nonlocality and discontinuity directly contradict the materialist view and yet, mainstream scientist glibly ignore the data, and their action influence even the post materialist thinking in America and elsewhere.

Embarking on this journey of learning, comprehending, realizing the truth behind Quantum worldview, we invite beautiful noble souls to explore themselves this wonderful knowledge and discover that life is a great and deep adventure, offering us continued and unlimited opportunities to open ourselves more to that infinite immortal reality of which we all are an integral part!

Our perennial aim is to provide a well-defined, methodical approach for a holistic advancement of an individual for progressive formation, transformation of human nature and a collective expansion of its latent and untapped abilities. A transfiguration of the being in its entirety, a new ascent of the human species above and beyond, leading human to evolve consciously beyond his psychophysical existence so that he may ultimately reach his divine potential!

We begin the Publication of this Journal from 2023. This is a bi-annual Journal. We hope, through the publication of this journal, we will help those who want to explore the truth about reality, and that includes not only theory and empirical data, but also objective enough experiential data (namely, there is some consensus about the experience) of a great number of people in spiritual traditions, even religions. We have crusades about no views, including science and materialism, religions, and their dogmas, but we are opposed to exclusivity.

It’s an endeavor, an initiation into human souls in the pursuit of truth, the practice of virtue and righteousness.

In summary, we are a team of highly motivated and inspired Consciousness researchers, dedicated to integration and inclusivity, and we intend to bring the same spirit in scientific research in Consciousness.